1. ShellChron::Virtual_shell
    Virtual input data for ShellChron
  2. shelltrace::BMP
    BMP image of phase map of cross section of modern oyster.
  3. shelltrace::IncG
    Interpolated subincrements in cross section of modern oyster rescaled to the same X-axis.
  4. shelltrace::M_el_mat
    Matrix of modelled mass accumulation rates per trace element
  5. shelltrace::M_el_mat_c
    Matrix of modelled cumulative mass accumulation rates per trace element
  6. shelltrace::O1_input
    Digitized growth increments in cross section of modern oyster.
  7. shelltrace::O1_phase
    Characteristics of phase in XRF map of oyster
  8. shelltrace::Oyster_height
    Measured height of the shell
  9. shelltrace::Oyster_length
    Measured length of the shell
  10. shelltrace::TIF
    TIF image of phase map of cross section of modern oyster.
  11. shelltrace::Z_mat
    Z-values describing the base ellipse of the oyster
    matrix|101 x 1291
  12. shelltrace::cross_section
    Digitized growth increments in cross section of modern oyster rescaled to the same X-axis.
  13. shelltrace::el_time
    Matrix listing the concentrations of elements in every subincrement
    matrix|24 x 1291
  14. shelltrace::image_length
    Length (in mm) of the digitized phase map image.
  15. shelltrace::incr_matrix0
    Matrix containing data calculated for each growth band.
  16. shelltrace::incr_matrix1
    Matrix containing data calculated for each growth band.
  17. shelltrace::incr_matrix2
    Matrix containing data calculated for each growth band.
  18. shelltrace::incr_matrix3
    Matrix containing data calculated for each growth band.
  19. shelltrace::lengthfactor
    Multiplier used to convert shell cross section from pixels to mm
  20. shelltrace::phase_mat
    Matrix listing the amount of pixels of each phase in every subincrement
    matrix|4 x 1291
  21. shelltrace::phase_stat
    Statistics of elemental concentrations in XRF map of oyster
  22. shelltrace::phasemat
    Matrix of phases names for each pixel in the phase map
    matrix|2258 x
  23. shelltrace::pixelsize
    Size of pixels in phase map in mm
  24. shelltrace::subincr_matrix0
    Matrix containing data calculated for each growth band.
  25. shelltrace::subincr_matrix1
    Matrix containing data calculated for each growth band.
  26. shelltrace::subincr_matrix2
    Matrix containing data calculated for each growth band.
  27. shelltrace::subincr_matrix3
    Matrix containing data calculated for each growth band.
  28. shelltrace::subincr_matrix4
    Matrix containing data calculated for each growth band.
  29. shelltrace::subincr_matrix5
    Matrix containing data calculated for each growth band.
  30. shelltrace::subincr_matrix6
    Matrix containing data calculated for each growth band.